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인삼과 다른 약용식물 (Ginseng and Other Medicinal Plants, by A. R. Harding)


A. R. Harding


대출가능 (보유:1, 대출:0)

인삼과 다른 약용식물.Ginseng and Other Medicinal Plants, by A. R. Harding <br/>인삼과 다른 여러 약용식물에 대해서 쓴책으로, 미국에서 재배되는 것들임.<br/>INTRODUCTION <br/>When the price of Ginseng advanced some years ago hundreds engaged in <br/>the business who knew little or nothing of farming, plant raising and horticulture. <br/>That they largely failed is not to be wondered at. Later many began in a small <br/>way and succeeded. Many of these were farmers and gardeners. Others were <br/>men who had hunted, trapped and gathered "seng" from boyhood. They <br/>therefore knew something of the peculiarities of Ginseng. <br/>It is from the experience of these men that this work is largely made up ― <br/>writings of those who are in the business. <br/>Golden seal is also attracting considerable attention owing to the rapid <br/>increase in price during the early years of the present century. The growing of <br/>this plant is given careful attention also. <br/>Many other plants are destined to soon become valuable. A work gotten out <br/>by the government ― American root drugs ― contains a great deal of value in <br/>regard habits, range, description, common names, price, uses, etc., etc., so <br/>that some of the information contained in this book is taken therefrom. The <br/>prices named in the government bulletin which was issued in 1907 were those <br/>prevailing at that time ― they will vary, in the future, largely according to the <br/>supply and demand.


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